
Traditional Twin Guitar Rock/Metal

Black Halo will release its debut album, Utopia, in 2024, featuring twelve tracks.

We’re just getting the site set up here, so check back soon for streaming audio, photos, videos, and more.

Mp3 Player

We’ll have the whole album here via Spotify when it’s released. For now, check out the rough mix of “Upon Deaf Ears.”

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Coming 2024…

Recent News

Album Nears Completion

The debut album, Utopia, is nearly done, and we’re hoping for a fall of 2024 release. We only have a few songs left to do vocals on and will be looking for a guest singer for one of them. We also Read More …


Logo Finalized!

The Black Halo logo has been finalized. And no, we’re not Satanic! The logo and band name represent a common issue – we think we’re a good person, but someone misinterprets our words or actions and decides we’re a jerk Read More …